National Erasmus+ Office announces a final call for papers for a scientific-methodical journal

SOCIETY 18:35 / 11.03.2022 4246

The National Erasmus+ Office in Uzbekistan jointly with the National Team of Higher Education Reform Experts (HEREs) of Uzbekistan, has announced another call for papers for the 11th issue of the scientific-methodological journal “Perspectives of Higher Education Development” free of charge. The advantages of this journal are that it is included in the list of scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the republic, and is indexed in Google Scholar and CYBERLENINKA. The publication of the journal is funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union.

Since 2013 for 9 years, the journal “Perspectives of Higher Education Development” claims to become one of the leading international scientific journals on the development of higher education in the republic, with a subsequent increase in frequency and circulation, as well as its inclusion in the list of analytical systems Scopus and Web of Science. Accordingly, the requirements for the articles of the journal are brought to international standards for the design of scientific articles.

General topics of the journal:

  • Innovative methods and tools in higher education (experience of higher education institutions in foreign countries and Uzbekistan, advanced methods of teaching and educating, organization of the educational process and university management, usage of IT for innovative development of higher education, educational platforms);
  • Erasmus+ program (the objectives of the program in support of innovative approaches in higher education in Uzbekistan, the experience of successful Erasmus+ projects in the country and abroad, reports on the results of participation of HEREs team members in international seminars, the implementation of Bologna process principles in Uzbekistan, quality of higher education, strengthening the role of students in ensuring the quality of HE, etc.);
  • Problems and prospects of investing in higher education (criteria for investing in higher education, the experience of foreign countries and Uzbek universities, financial management, investment efficiency, optimizing the usage of material and human resources in higher education, etc.).

A detailed list of topics and information on the requirements for the design of articles are provided here:

Along with the above-mentioned, the priority topics for the next 11th issue of the journal are:

  • Autonomy of higher education institutions (economic, organizational, technical aspects in Uzbekistan and other countries, the experience of leading countries);
  • ECTS credit-module system for higher education (concept, requirements for transition to the credit-module system, financial management in the credit system, curricula, teacher and student mobility, analysis of foreign experience, advantages of ECTS and difficulties in its transition, etc.).

Acceptance of the articles in the scientific-methodological journal is free of charge. After the publication of the journal, each author will be provided with a printed copy and access to the electronic format free of charge.

Articles can be written in Uzbek, Russian or English.

The deadline for submitting articles is March 31, 2022.

Please send the article to:

The Editorial Board has the right to reject an article if it does not meet the requirements of the subject and design. Copies are not returned.

For previous publications of the scientific-methodological journal, follow the link:

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