At a videoconference meeting on March 4, Shavkat Mirziyoyev gave a number of instructions on student employment.
“Students will be allowed to work in all government agencies and institutions,” the President said.
There are 13,000 vacancies in schools and kindergartens around universities. It is stated that at least 10,000 students can be employed in schools and kindergartens that are convenient for them.
Officials have been instructed to announce quarterly competitions among students for vacancies in state-owned enterprises. Each sector leader will need to work systematically with universities in their field to select potential students.
It was noted that the Central Bank annually announces competitions among 3rd-4th year students and introduces a system of attracting 60 students to paid internships. At the end of internships, the best students will be offered a permanent job.
It is stipulated that the Ministries of Economy, Finance, Construction, Energy, Agriculture and Water Resources, tax and cadaster agencies should systematically organize similar work. This new system employs 3,000 students each year.
It was noted at the meeting that at least 3,000 students should be involved in research projects funded by state grants in 2022.
For this purpose, it was instructed to form at least 40% of the composition of research projects in universities at the expense of students.
It was noted that if the khokims of regions and cities, rectors establish a system of cooperation between universities and the private sector, it will be possible to employ 30,000 students.
At the same time, regional khokims, in cooperation with employers, should organize vacancy and internship fairs, business meetings for students.
Therefore, the regional khokims and rectors have been instructed to hold job fairs at each university from April 1.
The regional khokims should create a system of cooperation between universities and large companies, clusters and other enterprises and take measures to ensure the employment of 10,000 students by the end of the year.