“Extend the moratorium on cutting down valuable species of trees and shrubs that are not part of the state forest fund for an indefinite period,” the text of the document reads.
In addition, during the period of the moratorium, along with the existing restrictions and obligations, in addition:
- the following applies to offenders:
• administrative fines with an increase in their size by two times – for violation of the requirements of the moratorium;
• recovery of the amounts of damage caused to the flora, with an increase in their size by two times – for illegal felling and damage to trees and bushes;
- the level (rating) of construction and contracting organizations that violated the requirements of the moratorium in the National Information System “Transparent Construction” is reduced by one level. Wherein:
• construction contractors, the level (rating) of which is lowered by one notch, are deprived of the opportunity to raise their level (rating) within one year;
• construction contractors, the level (rating) of which cannot be downgraded by one notch, are completely excluded from the electronic rating of construction contractors for a period of one year;
- when designing the construction of new buildings and structures with a height of more than 12 meters from the earth’s surface and (or) with a total area of more than 500 square meters, it is not allowed to allocate an area for landscaping (trees, shrubs, other plants and seedlings) in the adjacent territories less than 25% of the total area of land plots allocated for the project (except for the renovation of obsolete buildings and structures with an expired service life);
- it is strictly forbidden to adopt government orders, protocols, written instructions, departmental acts, instructions and decisions of local executive authorities, including instructions for cutting down, stubbing, damaging or destroying valuable species of trees and shrubs that are not included in the state forest fund.