The document defines the main directions for the development of hydropower and the rational use of the hydropower potential in the republic.
By 2030, it is planned to bring the capacity of the republic's hydroelectric power plants to 3,416 MW by creating new facilities and stage-by-stage modernization of existing ones through the wide use of environmentally friendly energy resources.
It is envisaged to widely involve the private sector and the population in the production of electricity using natural watercourses, ensure their guaranteed connection to the unified electric power system, and create a system of guaranteed purchase of generated electricity.
The Program of Additional Measures for the Further Development of Hydropower for 2021–2030, as well as the list of investment projects, has been approved.
Surplus electricity generated for own needs from new solar, wind and biogas power plants (excluding industrial-scale capacities of 1 MW or more) and hydroelectric power plants with an installed capacity of up to 5 MW that are being commissioned is purchased in the amount of 80% of the tariff set for tariff group II consumers.
Private investors (initiators) have the right to directly supply to legal entities and individuals electric energy produced at solar, wind and biogas power plants with an installed capacity of up to 1 MW, as well as hydroelectric power plants with an installed capacity of up to 5 MW. The construction of a local network is carried out on a contractual basis at agreed prices.