President Mirziyoyev: Cluster system in agriculture fully justifies itself in practice

POLITICS 16:19 / 13.12.2021 2495

“These factors are reflected in the Strategy for Development of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030, which serves as a program document in such priority issues as the further deepening of reforms and the use of innovative technologies, ensuring food security, supplying the population with high-quality products, expanding the geography of exports,” the President said.

He emphasized that “the cluster system being introduced in agriculture, based on market mechanisms and being the most advanced form of management, fully justifies itself in practice”. 

“Currently, this innovative model is becoming an important tool for the development of the agricultural sector, a source of guaranteed income for villagers,” Mirziyoyev said.

Today, 651 agricultural clusters operate in all areas of agriculture, these enterprises account for 100% of the harvested cotton and grain, more than 40% of fruits and vegetables, he added.

“Agroclusters effectively solve such key tasks as the modernization and industrialization of agriculture, deep processing of the grown crop, as a result, not raw materials are exported, but finished products with high added value. Employment and poverty reduction are being provided in the countryside,” Mirziyoyev said.

Thus, in cotton growing, the rate of fiber processing increased 2.5 times. In the country today, 100 percent of raw cotton is processed, due to this, the production of yarn has increased 2 times, finished products – 3 times. The annual export volume was about $3 billion.

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