Tashkent city, Navoi and Tashkent regions not being provided with subsidies in 2022

BUSINESS 11:00 / 24.11.2021 3023

The document publishes the size of the equalizing interbudgetary transfers allocated from the republican budget to the local budgets of the regions. 11 regions were included in the list of recipients of subsidies.

It should be recalled that in 2020, 9 regions were included in the list of recipients of subsidies. In 2021, there were only 11.

The greatest “support” will be given to the Kashkadarya region. It is followed by Surkhandarya and Namangan regions.

The smallest amount will be allocated to Bukhara, Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions.

Only in Tashkent, as well as in Navoi and Tashkent regions, expenses do not exceed income.

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