Chamber of Accounts proposes to further reduce cost of registration while purchasing a car

BUSINESS 09:00 / 13.11.2021 3331

In its report on the draft state budget for 2022, the Chamber of Accounts recommended setting the amount of state duties and fees charged to individuals in the registration of movable property (vehicles) in accordance with the value of the property.

In conclusion, the draft state budget for 2022 stipulates that the fee for the purchase of vehicles will be set at 1% of the purchase price for new and existing vehicles.

According to the Chamber’s calculations, expenses related to the transfer of real estate with a total area of up to 100 square meters with an average value of 350-400 million soums to an individual (in the case of housing with a total area of 70 square meters) amount to 607 thousand soums. The cost of transferring movable property worth an average of 90-100 million soums (in the case of Chevrolet Nexia-3) is 4 million 738 thousand soums, and the registration fee is 8 times higher than for housing.

The Chamber of Accounts cited as a reason for such a large difference the payment for the approval of contracts for the transfer of motor vehicles to another person, depending on the date of manufacture and horsepower.

“Based on the above, in order to facilitate the process of state registration of citizens in the implementation of property relations and create favorable conditions for the full management of property rights, it is necessary to reconsider (unify) the amount of state duties and fees (in proportion to the value of property) levied on individuals in the registration of real and movable property,” the conclusion reads.

Earlier, published articles about the long-standing problem of people – the need to reconsider customs duties on old cars, the excessive cost of registering a car on the secondary market in the name of the buyer, as well as the risks of notarized and relatively inexpensive general power of attorney as a covert purchase.

Based on these articles, MP Doniyor Ganiyev said that he had sent a request to the Minister of Finance to reconsider the fees for registration of vehicles purchased on the secondary market and would raise this issue in the discussion of the 2022 state budget.

Later, the deputy said that he had received a response to his request, which provides for the abolition of the fee for registration of the purchased vehicle in the State Traffic Safety Directorate based on horsepower and date of manufacture of the vehicle, as well as reduction of state duty at the notary office.

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