The monthly salaries of employees of mahallas with a number of families of a thousand and more will be increased by 35%
According to the presidential decree:
a) the monthly salaries of employees of local self-government bodies (mahallas) with a number of families in its territory of a thousand and more will be increased by 35%;
b) the costs associated with the maintenance of mahalla bodies will be financed from the relevant local budgets;
c) the task of motivating employees of mahalla bodies, providing them with accounting services will be transferred from district (city) khokimiyats to district (city) mahalla and family support departments;
d) a fund for incentivizing employees of mahalla bodies that do not have the status of a legal entity shall be established under the district (city) mahalla and family support departments.
Persons registered in the “Single Register of Social Protection”, people with disabilities of groups I and II will receive a 50% discount on any payments for the provision of public services
In accordance with the presidential decree, persons registered in the information system “Single Register of Social Protection”, as well as persons with disabilities of groups I and II will be provided with a 50% discount on state duties, fees and any other payments established by law in the provision of public services through public service centers and Single Portal (except for cases when applied for business purposes or as a representative of legal entities).
Also, in case of delay of public services provided by public service centers, “License” information system and Single Portal for more than 3 working days, at the request of applicants, 50% of state duties, fees and any other payments for the use of the service shall be refunded to them within 1 business day.
Expenses related to the arrival of oncology and hematology patients from the regions to the republican specialized centers will be reimbursed
According to the government’s decision, the costs related to the arrival of oncology and hematology patients from the regions to the specialized centers of the republic by rail and air will be financed from the relevant local budgets.
Some medical services are allowed to be provided by non-governmental medical organizations at the expense of the budget to persons belonging to the privileged category
According to the presidential decree, medical services provided by the Republican Specialized Scientific-Practical Medical Centers of Eye Microsurgery and Urology will be provided by non-governmental medical organizations at the expense of the state budget to persons in the privileged category.
Funds to support orphans and children deprived of parental care will be established
According to the decree of the President, to finance the activities carried out under the “Mehr daftari” (“Book of Mercy”) system, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional and Tashkent city khokimiyats will establish funds to support orphans and children deprived of parental care, which are included in the “Mehr daftari”.
Heads of public medical institutions will be trained in health management courses
According to the presidential decree, the Center for Professional Development of Medical Personnel will provide retraining and advanced training of heads of specialized scientific and practical medical centers and other public medical institutions in short-term training courses in the field of Healthcare Administration.
A system for reporting cases of domestic violence will be set up
The Ministry of Health will introduce a procedure for notifying law enforcement agencies and the Republican Center for Rehabilitation and Adaptation of Women on cases of domestic violence, as well as notifying victims of the existence of such centers.