President congratulates citizens on the Uzbek language day

SOCIETY 09:52 / 21.10.2021 3561

The congratulation text was published by the presidential press service.

“Dear compatriots! I sincerely congratulate all our people on the wonderful holiday of the Uzbek language. This holiday, widely celebrated in our country in recent years, is filled with special joy and a spirit of respect for national values. On such a significant day, we are even more aware of the role and importance of the native language in the history, fate and today’s life of our people, as well as the urgent tasks we face in its development,” the head of state said.

Mirziyoyev noted that recently in Uzbekistan, practical work in the language sphere has been raised to a new level. This is confirmed by the adopted decrees and resolutions on a radical increase in the role and authority of the Uzbek language as the state language. Thanks to their consistent implementation, the native language becomes even more important in life, occupies a worthy place not only in the country, but also on the world stage.

“We are all glad that today the Uzbek language sounds from the high rostrum of the United Nations, at major political summits and meetings, contributing to the promotion of peace, friendship and cooperation,” he stressed.

In the structure of the Cabinet of Ministers, the Department for Development of the State Language and the Fund for Developing the Uzbek Language are effectively operating, they are coordinating work in this very important area. At the Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, new faculties have been introduced – practical philology and computational linguistics, research is being conducted on the use of the Uzbek language in various fields. It is noteworthy that for the implementation of these tasks, the university has organized a center for teaching the basics of office work in the state language and advanced training, 6 special training courses, an international public fund named after Alisher Navoi.

The immediate plans include the creation of an international institute of Alisher Navoi, the main task of which will be to widely popularize the Uzbek language, culture and national traditions abroad, and strengthen humanitarian ties.

“It should be especially noted that in order to deeply study the Uzbek language, over the past short period, 16 editions have been published, in particular, 9 dictionaries. In ministries and departments, educational institutions, as well as in our diplomatic missions and consular offices in other countries, the presentation of the fundamental edition of 5 volumes, “O’zbek tilining izohli lug’ati” (Explanatory Dictionary of the Uzbek Language), was held. The launch of an online platform, a mobile application for an explanatory dictionary of the Uzbek language, a special website for compatriots abroad is of great importance for the education of foreigners and our citizens,” the President added.

Uzbekistan’s entry into the Council for Cooperation of Turkic-speaking States, along with the strengthening of economic ties within the framework of this organization, also contributed to the growth of the international authority of the Turkic languages, including the Uzbek language. At the initiative of Uzbekistan, the organization established an international award named after Alisher Navoi.

It also became known that today there are 150 national cultural centers in the country, the media, along with the Uzbek language, are published in the Karakalpak, Russian, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik and Turkmen languages, the educational process in schools is organized in 7 languages.

“It should be emphasized that all this is a unique phenomenon in world practice. In addition, one of the significant transformations in the field was the increase in the number of educational institutions in the country specialized in teaching foreign languages and conducting training sessions in foreign languages. We all well understand that we are faced with important and responsible tasks for the further development of the Uzbek language, further enhancement of its role and authority as the state language. Today, representatives of different nations and foreign citizens living in the country are increasingly interested in learning the Uzbek language, so it is necessary to intensify work on the production of special textbooks, dictionaries and manuals, video and audio materials for them,” the head of state said.

In his opinion, it is necessary to mobilize all efforts to increase interest in the Uzbek language among all citizens of the country and for this purpose widely use various types of incentives. In particular, the difficult work of scientists – linguists and compilers of dictionaries, poets and writers who have contributed to the development of this area – deserves a worthy assessment. It is necessary to develop and implement a program for publishing on the basis of government orders and bringing to the general public their scientific research, textbooks, manuals, books and monographs.

The most important tasks are also the earliest creation of a national corpus of the Uzbek language, which includes all information about the state language, popularization of the native language on the global Internet and ensuring its firm place in the information space, activation of the development of applications in the Uzbek language for software products.

“Today our large-scale work on building New Uzbekistan is entering a decisive stage. On this path, the native language, as a symbol of national identity and pride, undoubtedly serves as a source of great strength and inspiration for us. Once again I congratulate you on the holiday of the Uzbek language, I wish you all health, happiness, peace and prosperity to your families,” Mirziyoyev concluded.

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