Gov’t reimburses exporters for part of their transportation costs

BUSINESS 11:16 / 05.10.2021 6472

Companies exporting their products will be reimbursed up to 50% of their logistics costs.

The regulation on the allocation of compensation was adopted by the government of the country, Spot reported referring to the Ministry of Justice.

To be eligible for compensation, the following conditions must be met:

•  the exporter must be registered in Uzbekistan;
•  products must be locally produced;
•  export is carried out to countries that do not border on Uzbekistan (with the exception of Afghanistan and other cases provided for by law);
•  the goods are placed in the export mode (with the exception of the export of products by mail for an amount of up to $5,000);
•  in an export contract, the transport costs of delivering the product must be borne by the exporter, who must make the payments.

The application and documents must be submitted to the Export Promotion Agency in person, by mail or electronically through the agency’s website.

The decision to grant compensation is taken by the competent authorities. No application processing fee will be accepted.

Reimbursement of expenses may be refused if:

•  the documents do not meet the requirements;
•  inaccurate information in documents is presented or information is distorted;
•  the subsidies allocated for this year have ended.

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