Vaccination certificate is required after complete vaccination against coronavirus. The press service of the Health Ministry provided information on 5 ways to obtain a vaccination certificate.
Method 1
Vaccination certificate can be downloaded online through the Single interactive state services portal –
To do this, use the personal identification number (PINFL) or passport information of the individual.
It is safe and secure to download the relevant certificate through the Single Portal in the section “Vaccination against coronavirus”, then electronically by clicking on the button “Use the service” and when the vaccination is complete.
Method 2
After each vaccination against COVID-19, the vaccinated person’s mobile phone will be notified via SMS.
Once fully vaccinated, the vaccination certificate can be downloaded online via the link in this SMS.
Method 3
The @itmeduz_bot page of the Telegram network also allows you to register for the vaccination and download the vaccination certificate using PINFL or passport information.
Method 4
A fully vaccinated person is issued a certificate at the request of a citizen by a nurse registered for vaccination at the treatment and prevention institution where the vaccination was carried out.
Method 5
In addition to the above, a fully vaccinated person can also obtain a certificate by applying to the territorial primary healthcare institution to which he is attached.