The Cabinet of Ministers has approved the new pay scale for cotton pickers in the 2021 harvesting season.
This was announced by the first deputy chairman of the Cotton and Textile Clusters Association of Uzbekistan Sadulla Tadjiev, Uzreport said.
According to Tadjiev, this year 1,200 soums will be paid for 1 kg of raw cotton harvested by hand during the first harvest, and 1,500 soums during the second harvest.
In Jizzakh, Tashkent and Syrdarya regions, as well as in remote areas of Karakalpakstan, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions, for each kilogram of cotton, 230 soums of additional payment will be made.
Cotton and textile clusters and private farms are able to independently set the amount of payment, but it should not be less than the set amount.
Brigadiers of cotton picking teams from unemployed citizens will be paid 2 million soums by the end of the season.
In 2020, 1,000 soums were paid for 1 kg of raw cotton harvested by hand during the first harvest, and 1,400 soums during the second harvest.