The draft presidential decree, developed by the Ministry of Justice, aimed at ensuring financial transparency and public accountability in the field of roads, is posted for discussion on the portal.
The document provides for the launch of an accessible online information platform SHAFFOF YO’L and its mobile application.
In the platform, all state and local road construction programs will be concentrated in one place. All roads that are planned to be built and repaired will be clearly displayed on the online map, that is, the roads being repaired will not be highlighted with incomprehensible numbers, such as “4K66”, but will be visible from this platform and a mobile phone with the names of cities and streets.
On this map, it will be possible to directly monitor the activities of the organization conducting the construction or repair of roads, the financial resources spent on facilities, and also monitor the status of the work performed.
All road fund receipts will be displayed on the platform’s online counter in real time. When registering his car, the system’s user will immediately be able to find out where the money paid to the road fund came.
Citizens will be able to post photo and video messages about broken roads, as well as emergency technical problems that have arisen on the roads and impede safe traffic.