“An Agency for Promotion of Learning Foreign Languages will be established under the Cabinet of Ministers. First of all, it will promote mastering foreign languages by introducing effective teaching methods, programs and textbooks in kindergartens, schools, lyceums, universities and training centers.
It will organize the teaching of at least 10 foreign languages (English, Russian, German, French, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Arabic, Persian), depending on the needs of educational institutions, industries and regions.
It will also develop popular contents that shape in-depth foreign language learning skills from childhood.
In addition, the Agency, together with ministries, departments and other employers, will implement methodologies that allow employees to fully carry out their professional activities in foreign languages.
At the same time, one of the main tasks of the Agency will be creating methods of professional translation from the state language into foreign languages and vice versa.
The Agency will also conduct foreign language proficiency rankings in schools, universities, districts, cities and regions, industry and government agencies. It will develop qualification requirements and assessment criteria for foreign language teachers and assign qualification categories.
In short, the Agency, through a continuous chain of “kindergarten – school – university – enterprise”, will organize the development of language learning methods, recommendations and textbooks suitable for all segments of the population and promote their implementation.
Along with the universities of World Languages and Oriental Studies, the Samarkand Institute of Foreign Languages, one university in each region will be designated as a base higher educational institution for foreign languages.
The khokims of regions, districts and cities will be personally responsible for creating an environment for teaching foreign languages in the regions, creating the organizational and financial conditions for this,” the President said at the videoconference devoted to the issue of learning foreign languages.