Ministry of Innovation informs about contraindications and precautions for vaccination

SOCIETY 18:35 / 24.04.2021 3229

The Ministry of Innovative Development of Uzbekistan told about one of the most serious reactions after vaccination.

“One of the most serious reactions after vaccination is anaphylaxis, which is the only contraindication that applies to successive doses of the same vaccine. Most of these contraindications, in particular, severe acute illness (for example, an acute respiratory tract infection) or a course of treatment with steroids, are temporary and a person can be vaccinated later,” the report said.

Unlike contraindications, precautions refer to the likelihood of adverse effects or conditions that should be taken into account in determining how much the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks (especially when it comes to a potential immunocompromised recipient or a pregnant woman).

“The precaution is not a contraindication. The precautions mentioned in the insert sheets to the drug are sometimes interpreted incorrectly, equating them with contraindications, which leads to missed opportunities to get vaccinated on time,” the ministry concluded.

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