Man trying to illegally sell five hectares of land for $1 million in Tashkent region arrested

SOCIETY 15:20 / 18.02.2021 1136

A man was detained in Parkent district, Tashkent region, for trying to illegally sell a 5-hectare land plot belonging to his brother’s horticultural farm for $1 million.

According to the Uzbekistan 24 TV channel, the fraudster planned to return the land to the reserve of the district khokimiyat first, and then register it under the buyer’s name through his acquaintances in the khokimiyat.

During a mobile operation conducted by the Tashkent regional department of the State Security Service in cooperation with the regional prosecutor’s office and the regional Department for Combating Economic Crimes, the man was caught with material evidence while receiving an advance of $100,000.

In another case, four residents of Tashkent city gained the trust of a citizen and told him that they would sell 5 hectares of land in the “Novobod” mahalla of Bostanlyk district, Tashkent region, for $300,000. They were caught with material evidence when they received the money.

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