Central Bank of Uzbekistan imposes sanctions on 15 commercial banks

POLITICS 20:26 / 18.02.2021 2184

The Central Bank has imposed sanctions on 15 banks, Spot writes referring to the regulator’s press service.

These are Agrobank, People’s Bank, Mikrokreditbank, NBU, Uzsanoatqurilishbank, Ipoteka-Bank, Hamkorbank, Qishloq Qurilish Bank, Asaka Bank, Aloqabank, Turonbank, Trustbank, Ipak Yuli Bank, Davrbank and Infinbank.

The reason was that in some branches of these banks, employees refused to process customer payments with plastic cards, did not use terminals and did not cash out money from bank cards.

The Central Bank instructed to eliminate the shortcomings, warning that in case of repeated violations, sanctions will be applied directly to employees.

The press service of the regulator also asked consumers of banking services to contact them in such cases.

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