According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, activities of a number of private employment agencies have been suspended or terminated by a court and licensing authority decisions.
In particular, the licenses of the following employment agencies were revoked:
- “Full employment xususiy bandlik agentligi” – by the decision of the Tashkent interdistrict economic court dated January 25, 2021;
- “DAWAMLI SATLI IS XUSUSIY BANDLIK AGENTLIGI” – by the decision of the Tashkent interdistrict economic court dated January 25, 2021;
- “Profit4you Europe xususiy bandlik agentligi” – by the decision of the Tashkent interdistrict economic court dated January 7, 2021;
- “Vodiy HR xususiy bandlik agentligi” by the decision of the Licensing Authority dated January 29, 2021.
In addition, the licenses of three other private employment agencies were suspended by the decision of economic courts.
These agencies should transfer funds in the amount of 8,500 BCAs into the deposit account of the Fund for Support and Protection of the Rights and Interests of Persons Working Abroad under the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations (as of February 1, 2021 – 2 billion 82 million 500 thousand soums or $200,000).
According to the Ministry of Employment and Labor Relations, as of February 9, 2021, the number of private employment agencies registered in Uzbekistan is 105. 14 of them were licensed. The applications of four organizations were rejected for non-payment of the prescribed fees. The licenses of 62 organizations have been revoked or expired.