In 2020, the civil courts considered 291,182 cases. During the reporting period, 96,584 court orders were issued on the collection of mandatory payments in the amount of more than 194.7 billion soums, the Supreme Court reported.
194,598 civil cases were considered in the order of action. Of these, claims were satisfied in 140,386 cases, claims were refused in 24,054 cases, claims were left without consideration in 22,836 cases, and 7,322 cases were terminated.
Of the civil cases considered in the course of action proceedings, 52,898 are related to transactions, 39,466 on divorce, 20,224 on the demolition of unauthorized residential premises or buildings, 2,349 on the establishment of paternity and cases in other categories.
An analysis of the considered divorce cases shows that in 20,139 cases the claims were satisfied (marriages were revoked), in 14,481 cases the claims were denied (marriages were not revoked), 2,842 claims were left without consideration, and 2,004 cases were terminated.
61,871 civil cases were considered during mobile trials. 2,933 meetings and open dialogues were held with the population.
In addition, the Judicial Collegium for Civil Cases of the Supreme Court considered 550 cases in a supervisory manner. 279 court decisions of the first instance were canceled and 48 court decisions were changed.