Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram Messenger, said that among ordinary users, politicians around the world have begun to use the messenger. According to him, this week the presidents of Brazil and Turkey have joined Telegram starting their official channels.
According to Durov, the following heads of state and government are present in Telegram:
The President of Brazil – @jairbolsonarobrasil
The President of Turkey – @RTErdogan
The President of Uzbekistan – @shmirziyoyev
The President of Mexico – @PresidenteAMLO
The President of France – @emmanuelmacron
The Prime Minister of Singapore – @leehsienloong
The President of Ukraine – @V_Zelenskiy_official
The President of Taiwan – @iingtw
The Prime Minister of Ethiopia – @AbiyAhmedAliofficial
The Prime Minister of Israel – @bnetanyahu
“We are honored that political leaders, as well as numerous public organizations, rely on Telegram to combat misinformation and spread awareness about important issues in their societies. Unlike other networks, Telegram doesn’t use nontransparent algorithms to decide whether a subscriber will see the content they subscribed to or not. As a result, Telegram channels are the only direct way for opinion leaders to reliably connect with their audiences,” the founder of the Messenger said.
It should be noted that by the number of active subscribers the President of Brazil tops the list (274 thousand), followed by the leader of Turkey (238 thousand) and the President of Uzbekistan (196 thousand).