“First of all, we will provide quality education to the younger generation in kindergartens, schools and universities, and we will do everything possible to ensure that they grow up physically and spiritually healthy, patriotic.
Second, we will help young people to be independent and logical thinkers on the basis of modern knowledge and experience, national and universal values, and possessing virtues.
Thirdly, it is of paramount importance to train our sons and daughters in modern professions that are in high demand in the labor market, to nurture in them entrepreneurial skills and diligence, support their initiatives, provide them with jobs and housing.
World experience shows that the investment in the development of the younger generation in all directions brings ten to a hundred times more benefits to society.
If we can combine the knowledge and experience of the older generation with the courage and determination of our youth, we will surely reach the desired goals. We are building a new Uzbekistan together with such educated and creative young people.
In order to continue the work we have begun in these important areas and to raise it to a new, higher level, I propose to name the coming year 2021 in our country as the “Year of Supporting Youth and Strengthening Public Health”, the President said.