Citizens can now enjoy commercial bank services using their driver’s license  

BUSINESS 11:16 / 27.11.2020 833

This was announced by Kapitalbank representative Sergei Gimadiev with reference to a letter from the Central Bank.

The document was sent to all commercial banks in the country on November 26.

Earlier it was reported that the old-style driver’s license is no longer considered as an identity document.

However, in the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to further improve the quality and simplify procedures for the provision of public services in the system of internal affairs bodies” dated June 19, 2017, it is noted that the national driver’s license of the new sample was given the status of an official state identity document.

As a reminder, the old-sample driver’s license is valid only until January 1, 2022. The deadline for their exchange to a new one is set until December 31, 2021.

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