“We demand to comply with the laws, but, unfortunately, there are officials who continue to violate the regulations because of impunity and arrogance,” he wrote on his Telegram channel.
According to the people’s representative, complaints were received from Jizzakh, Surkhandarya, Fergana, Tashkent regions and the city of Tashkent. The property of many citizens and entrepreneurs was damaged, and compensation was not paid.
“If they plan to demolish your home or take a piece of land, first ask for a formal warning letter. Read this letter carefully. If someone wants to construct a multi-storey building, a shopping center or similar establishment, then you should know that they are trying to illegally demolish your home or house,” he said.
Kusherbayev recalled that according to the presidential decree “On measures to radically improve the investment climate in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, the withdrawal of land plots for state and public needs is allowed only for the following purposes:
- provision of land for the needs of defense and state security, protected natural areas, the creation and functioning of free economic zones;
- fulfillment of obligations arising from international treaties;
- discovery and development of mineral deposits;
- construction (reconstruction) of roads and railways, airports, airfields, air navigation facilities and aviation technical centers, railway transport facilities, bridges, subways, tunnels, energy systems and power transmission lines, communication lines, space objects, trunk pipelines, engineering and communication networks;
- implementation of master plans of settlements in terms of the construction of facilities at the expense of the state budget, as well as in other cases directly provided for by laws and decisions of the President.
The MP stressed that in all other cases, the demolition of real estate by seizing the land plot is illegal.
“Even if the state needs your property and you are against it, you can sue. In such cases, no one has the right to demolish your property without a court decision and without full compensation,” he concluded.