The Accounts Chamber has conducted a study of organizations in the system of the Ministry of Preschool Education in collaboration with the Internal Audit and Financial Control Service of the Ministry on the effectiveness of the use of budget and off-budgetary funds in 2018-2019 and the possibility of optimizing expenditures in 2020.
According to the Chamber, as a result of the study, it was found that the organizations under the Ministry of Preschool Education committed accounting errors and omissions totaling 48.3 billion soums.
In particular, 7.2 billion soums of the funds allocated for the monthly salaries of service personnel in the system were looted as a result of misappropriation, overpayments and theft by some lower-level officials.
3.6 billion soums were misappropriated through forging documents on expenditures for food that was not actually used.
2.2 billion soums worth of non-edible spread (a mixture of vegetable oil and milk fat) and low-fat butter products, 309.4 tons of meat products without veterinary control (worth 10.1 billion soums) were purchased and used.
497.7 million soums were misappropriated through concealment of the number of children and not registering parental payments received.
Based on the results of the study conducted in the system, the Accounts Chamber developed 75 proposals in 26 areas to eliminate the identified cases and not to repeat them in the future, gave relevant instructions to the system organizations.
Based on these proposals, the Ministry of Preschool Education, together with relevant ministries and agencies, will develop a roadmap.
Proposals were made to amend 16 existing regulations, improve the information system, which includes financial and methodological areas, the chamber’s statement reads.