At the meeting, issues of social, legal, material and cultural support of Uzbeks working abroad were discussed.
It is planned to introduce a new system. The powers of the territorial branches of the Agency for External Labor Migration will be expanded. They will be granted the right to conclude direct contracts with foreign employers, negotiate with migration services. The head of the branch will be considered an assistant to the khokim of the region.
It should be recalled that by the presidential decree of August 11, measures were determined to train the population in professions in demand in the labor market, the basics of entrepreneurship and foreign languages. At the meeting, the practical aspects of the implementation of this document were touched upon. The issues of professional development of citizens wishing to work abroad, creation of vocational training centers for this, organization of courses and monocenters, were considered. The importance of adapting the curricula of these institutions and the acquired competencies to the requests of foreign employers was noted.
In addition, it was instructed to simplify procedures related to departure, to open offices of the Agency for External Labor Migration in cities with a large number of compatriots. The task was also set to strengthen the legal protection of citizens abroad, create an online platform and a call center for this purpose and attract qualified lawyers.