Patients who are treated at home are advised to drink a lot of water, consume at least 400 grams of vegetables and fruit and change the mask every three hours.
The Ministry of Health has also published guidelines on the treatment of coronavirus in dispensaries.
The instructions note that the hydroxychloroquine can be taken when symptoms of coronavirus appear, without waiting for the results of the analysis.
However, it should be noted that after the World Health Organization excluded hydroxychloroquine from the coronavirus treatment protocol, the drug was stopped being used in Uzbekistan.
German professor Werner Behr, who works as a consultant for the prevention of the spread of coronavirus infection at the central headquarters for combating COVID-19 under the Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan, also confirmed the ineffectiveness of hydroxychloroquine in the treatment of coronavirus patients.
However, the Ministry of Health has again included hydroxychloroquine in the treatment protocol, drawing on Uzbekistan’s own experience in the fight against coronavirus.
“Before using any potent drugs, you must take into account the individual characteristics of each person and consult a doctor!” the Health Ministry notes.