Mirziyoyev instructs to take tough measures to curb the pandemic

POLITICS 23:37 / 08.07.2020 1200

“We are all witnesses today that the coronavirus pandemic, unfortunately, continues. The second wave of the disease, starting in several countries of the world, is causing serious concern. The current situation shows that any “magic recipes” to counter this infection have not yet been developed. The international community, the world’s largest research centers, the strongest scientists are working hard to find a cure. And we hope that the studies will soon yield their positive results,” the President said.

The number of people infected with coronavirus in the country is growing non-stop.

“The professionalism of medical and sanitary-epidemiological personnel, the dedication of law enforcement officers, as well as strict discipline during the quarantine period make it possible to maintain a relatively stable epidemiological situation in our country. But this should not be a reason for carelessness, a frivolous attitude to this issue. In the first week of July, the number of people infected with coronavirus increased by 2,167 people. Of these, 1,267 (58%) cases were identified among the general public,” the head of state noted.

Mirziyoyev emphasized that this is the highest rate in the quarantine period.

“Unfortunately, the death toll is growing. This should be of serious concern to all of us. From the very day that this virus was discovered in our country, we have talked and continue to say: it will be a very difficult test and struggle. Much in this struggle depends on ourselves, our consciousness, patience and perseverance, our determination to act firmly and cohesively, with iron discipline. But, unfortunately, many among the population do not fully comply with these requirements,” the President said.

In particular, the number of cases of non-use or improper wearing of a medical mask, violation of sanitary and hygienic rules, a handshake, non-observance of social distance, and family events is unnecessarily increasing every day. The principle of classifying regions as “green”, “yellow” and “red” zones does not work fully.

“To change the situation, we must, first of all, strengthen public control. Given the current situation, the Special Republican Commission, together with khokims of regions, cities, districts and sector leaders, must take tough measures to contain the pandemic. With appropriate field visits, the relevant managers should be introduced to monitor strict compliance with the established restrictions and the implementation of quarantine requirements by the population in each region assigned to them. Of course, we will take appropriate measures to return to the country citizens of Uzbekistan who, for certain reasons, remain in neighboring countries,” Mirziyoyev said.

The President recommended not self-medicating at home, as this could have serious consequences and result in death.

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