Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan are awarded the order “Salomatlik” for their outstanding contribution to the development of the healthcare system in the country, improving the health of the population and strengthening international cooperation in the sphere.
Foreign citizens and stateless persons can also be awarded the order “Salomatlik”.
The state order “Salomatlik” consists of two degrees:
Order “Salomatlik” of the I degree;
Order “Salomatlik” of the II degree.
The highest rank of the order is the I degree. As a rule, the awarding is carried out in the following order: first the order of the II degree, then at least three years after that the order of the I degree.
The head of state also signed a law on the establishment of the medal “Sog’lom Turmush”. The law was passed by the Legislative Chamber on May 5, 2020, and approved by the Senate on May 11, 2020.
The medal “Sog’lom Turmush” is awarded to:
- doctors of health facilities, including nutritionists, physical education instructors, media representatives and bloggers covering the issues of healthcare and healthy lifestyles for their great contribution to the formation of a healthy lifestyle among the population, the elimination of obesity, the prevention of harmful habits, the promotion of healthy nutrition and personal hygiene;
- citizens, exemplary families and athletes for being a personal example to the public on regular physical education and its transformation into a daily lifestyle, strict adherence to a healthy lifestyle;
- heads of organizations and agencies at all levels for the great contribution to the transformation of a healthy lifestyle into a nationwide movement through the systematic organization of mass physical activity;
- heads of sports schools, secondary public schools and kindergartens, sports coaches, other specialists in the field of physical culture and sports for their significant contribution to the development of mass sports among the younger generation, its physical and intellectual development, spiritual development, realization of abilities, formation of healthy lifestyle skills;
- representatives of the defense system, high-achieving athletes and their coaches, referees and representatives of sports organizations for their great services in strengthening the perseverance, willpower in young people through sports competitions and the qualities of confidence in their capabilities, instilling in them a sense of patriotism, love and devotion to the Motherland;
- khokims and their deputies at all levels, heads of physical culture and sports organizations, heads of enterprises and organizations attached to sports federations (associations) for their contribution to the further development and popularization of physical culture and sports in the country, organization of sports and mass physical culture at a high level, ensuring the proper participation of athletes in training sessions and international competitions.