This is stipulated in the “Concept of electricity supply in the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2020-2030”.
It was noted that the concept was developed to meet the growing demand for electricity in the country and to ensure a more balanced development of the electricity sector.
The concept identifies the following areas:
• modernization and reconstruction of existing power plants, as well as construction of new power plants using energy efficient technologies for electricity generation;
• improving the electricity accounting system;
• development of RES, especially solar energy;
• implementing legal reforms to improve tariff policy and ensure access to the wholesale market.
It is planned to implement the followings by 2030:
• increasing electricity generation from 13,545 MW to 29,200 MW;
• reducing natural gas consumption from 16.5 billion cubic meters to 12.1 billion cubic meters;
• cutting losses in electricity transmission by 2.35% and in its distribution – by 6.5%.
In the development of RES, special attention will be paid to improving the energy supply of areas with electricity shortages. In order to ensure the rapid development of RES, measures have been identified for the widespread use of public-private partnerships in this area.