It should be recalled that the last time the executive structure of the government changed a month ago in connection with the approval of its new composition.
According to Norma, the current adjustments are also related to staffing decisions and are aimed at deepening economic reforms, increasing the welfare of the population, reducing poverty and effectively implementing other tasks assigned to the Cabinet of Ministers.
The essence of the changes is as follows (the table is presented in the Russian language):
Two more Secretariats are being transformed:
- the Secretariat for youth policy, culture, spirituality, the mass media, creative and public organizations – into the Secretariat for mahalla affairs, supporting family and youth, culture, spirituality and public organizations. It consists of a sector to support the mahalla and family;
- the Secretariat for macroeconomic analysis, structural transformations, the financial and banking system and private entrepreneurship – into the Secretariat for macroeconomic analysis, structural transformations, the financial and banking system, state assets management, development of competition, support for entrepreneurship and poverty reduction. It will include a department to reduce poverty and increase incomes.
At the same time, all new units are being created within the framework of the current total maximum number of managerial personnel – 241 full-time units.
As it can be seen from the table, while raising the status of the Minister of Economy and Industry, it is entrusted with additional tasks. Namely:
- study of the real state of poverty in the country, the development of medium-term and long-term strategies and programs for eliminating poverty, as well as ensuring their implementation together with international organizations, including financial institutions;
- implementation of a set of measures for the formation of the population, especially youth and women, of modern business and entrepreneurship skills, the reform of the training system for professions and retraining of the unemployed.
This accordingly affected the structure of the administration of khokimiyats:
- in the regions, Tashkent city, districts and cities – the position of the first deputy khokim on issues of economics and entrepreneurship has been renamed as the first deputy khokim for financial and economic issues and poverty reduction;
- in the administration apparatus of the khokimiyat of Tashkent region, the first deputy khokim for industrial development, economy and entrepreneurship became the first deputy khokim for industrial development, poverty reduction and financial and economic issues.