Over 2,000 people to be employed in the system of new ministry 

POLITICS 21:14 / 21.02.2020 1013

According to the document, 99 staff units were approved in the structure of the central apparatus of the Ministry. 336 people will work in Karakalpakstan, departments of regions and the city of Tashkent, and 1,624 personnel will work in district and city departments.

In addition, the minister has been given the right to make changes to the structures of the central apparatus and territorial divisions within the established total number of managerial staff and payroll.

The followings have been determined as sources of financing the activities of the ministry and its territorial divisions:

- state budget funds;

- off-budgetary funds of the ministry;

- income from the performance of work and the provision of services in the area of activity;

- charity donations of individuals and legal entities;

- grants from international financial institutions and foreign organizations;

- other sources not prohibited by law.

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