The government adopted a resolution approving the procedure for the provision of outsourcing services in organizations that are part of the Health Ministry, the Justice Ministry reported.
In accordance with the decree, the following services in organizations included in the Health Ministry structure will be outsourced.
Types of non-medical services: providing customers with food; laundry services; ensuring the safety of buildings and structures, as well as maintenance and repair of their engineering-technical systems. Types of medical services: disinfection of medical devices.
Services not listed in this list will be transferred to the outsourcing company at the initiative of the state medical organization in agreement with the Health Ministry.
According to the regulation approved by the resolution, the amount of payment for outsourcing services (with the exception of services to provide the customer with food) is determined by taking into account a 20% surcharge to cover the costs of outsourcing expenses, the cost of the corresponding services provided by organizations that are part of the Health Ministry.