Government approves a series of measures to protect women from oppression and violence

POLITICS 15:00 / 06.01.2020 985

The Government of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution “On measures to improve the system for protecting women and girls from oppression and violence,” Norma reports. 

The document approved the followings:

• Regulation on the issuance of a protective order, ensuring its execution, monitoring;

• Regulation on the procedure for persons, who have committed or are prone to exert pressure and violence, to correct their behavior;

• Form of a protective order;

• A scheme of events, the interaction of entities to issue a protective order, the timing and control over its execution.
The adopted document defines the procedure for the issuance by the internal affairs bodies of a protective order to injured women, as well as providing a copy of it to persons, who committed violence.
The main tasks of the correctional program are:

• prevention of cases of violence against women;

• addressing the causes and conditions that contribute to the occurrence of violence;

• identification and correction of latent forms of violence;

• conducting individual (or in the form of groups) explanatory work with persons, who committed violence and others.

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