MPE criticizes the Tourism Committee’s proposal on switching to a 5-day school week

POLITICS 15:26 / 13.12.2019 915

The State Committee for Tourism Development of Uzbekistan previously published a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers “On measures to develop youth tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan”.

In the draft document, the Committee proposed to introduce a 5-day school week for all secondary public schools, institutions of higher and secondary specialized education, as well as to increase the period of winter holidays by cutting the summer breaks in order to extend the tourist season.

In turn, the Ministry of Public Education (MPE) said that this proposal was not agreed upon and such a decision can only be made after a thorough analysis.

In particular, the MPE has several questions on this proposal.

Firstly, many schools currently study in two or more shifts. Introduction of a 5-day week will significantly increase the number of such schools. That is, the demand for additional places and buildings will increase sharply. Will the Tourism Committee allocate additional funds for schools as part of the investment program?

Secondly, most parents work six days a week. Who will ensure the safety of children in such families on Saturdays? Could this lead to an increase in youth crime?

Thirdly, when young people visit tourist sites, they need money. At whose expense will these costs be borne? Parents? Will the teacher be responsible for this? Who will ensure pupils’ safety? If children are taken on buses and the internal affairs bodies are responsible for their safety, how will these costs be covered?

Fourthly, it is proposed to reduce the duration of summer vacations by lengthening winter ones. In our country, the vacation period is determined based on the climate in the country. Can 30-35 children stay in the same room for 45 minutes in hot summer weather? At whose expense will the AC system be installed in the classes? 

Fifthly, usually in the summer, schools undergo repairs or reconstruction. Now contractors barely have time to complete these works before the start of the school year. If summer vacations are shortened, will construction and repair work be carried out simultaneously with classes?

Sixth, science Olympiads are held among pupils, when they have school holidays between the quarters of the academic year. This decision was made so as not to interfere with the educational process. Will the new proposal put undue pressure on children?

Seventh, is there any infrastructure for winter tourism? Is the transport system ready for smooth operation?

Eighth, what should parents do if they have no opportunity to send their child somewhere in the winter?

The MPE emphasized that each proposal should be based on analysis. Before introducing an innovation, you must first conduct a cost-benefit analysis and implement it only if there are more positive effects.

“If accurate calculations and analyzes were carried out, they should have been submitted before the project’s approval process. The Ministry of Public Education of Uzbekistan notes that it is necessary to first find answers to these and other questions and only then make a decision on the introduction of a 5-day school week and extend the winter holidays by reducing the summer one,” the report said.

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