On November 22, during a video-conference meeting, the President of Uzbekistan gave officials a number of instructions, the presidential press service said.
In particular, khokimiyats of all levels were instructed to complete the allocation of land for housing construction, the selection of contractors and to ensure the start of work by March 1, 2020.
“In housing policy, we are moving to a new system. In this process, the head of each region is obliged to take responsibility and form his own experience in the housing sector. From now onwards, we will ask the khokims not about the number of houses built, but about how many entrepreneurs were attracted to the sphere, how much land was allocated to them, whether or not the infrastructure was created, what is the quality of housing and how many people are satisfied,” the head of state said.
In addition, the Republican Commission for the Construction and Sale of Housing was entrusted with the task of monitoring construction work at places by visiting.
“The khokims are pointed out the need to pay special attention to the construction of housing in areas freed from demolition of dilapidated buildings and structures, as well as the inadmissibility of demolition of real estate until compensation is paid to the owner and all his legal conditions are met,” the presidential press service said.
It was also noted that the head of the state body is responsible not only for his reputation, but also for the reputation of the department headed by him. Officials are instructed to behave modestly, carefully and reasonably in dialogue with the people and the media, to make decisions in accordance with the law.