Periodic safety assessment will be carried out at the NPP in Uzbekistan every 10 years. Such measures are provided for by the law “On the use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes”.
“The first safety assessment will be conducted ten years after the start of operation. Then, there will be periodic checks once every ten years,” the document says.
The procedure for conducting a periodic safety assessment of a nuclear facility (storage facility) and the scope of relevant studies are determined by a responsible authorized body.
The first NPP in Uzbekistan will consist of two VVER-1200 power units of the “3+” generation with a capacity of 1,200 MW each. Commissioning of the first power unit is scheduled for 2028, the second – until 2030. The site near Tuzkan Lake in the Farish district, Jizzakh region, was chosen as an optimal location for the NPP construction.
Construction of the first two NPP power units of the Rosatom state corporation will make it possible to add 2,400 MW of electricity (21 billion kWh of capacity per year) to the country’s energy balance. According to various estimates, in 2030, the station will produce from 14 to 18% of the total electricity.