“An Afghan kid, born at the Soviet times, is now in his forties. He has seen nothing, but war” – Abdulaziz Kamilov

POLITICS 15:26 / 25.08.2019 1447

The Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan Abdulaziz Kamilov shared his views on the situation in Afghanistan at the plenary session of the Senate of Oliy Majlis. Kun.uz correspondent reports about it.

“People often wonder: “There is a war going on in Afghanistan right now, and you still speak of this project, that plan...” And that is all being done considering the future.

One day tranquility will be established in Afghanistan. Because, we have built a relationship with the government, the opposition and the Taliban.

They are all tired of the war. For 40 years ... Afghan children, born at the time of Soviet Union attack, are now 40-45 years old. They have seen nothing but war in their entire life. Only “Kalashnikov”, war, killing, blood ... That’s why they are tired of all.

We think that they will agree on a compromise. Of course, the process will still be extended. After 40 years of fighting with each other, it is difficult to resolve everything in one day. But there is no other way. 

Today, American representatives also support the policy of our esteemed President in terms of peacekeeping in Afghanistan.

It is noted that thanks to the policy of the President of Uzbekistan, a completely new political environment has emerged in the region. Most of the mutual problems have been resolved.

There are many problems with Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and other countries. But the road has been opened. Mutual trust has been established,” Abdulaziz Kamilov said.

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