From October 1, it is planned to introduce the interdepartmental hardware-software complex “Single National Labor System” (SNST). The draft act has been posted on the portal of discussions of draft normative-legal acts. Suggestions and comments on it can be made until September 2.
From the last quarter of this year, it is planned to introduce the mandatory registration of new labor contracts, amendments to existing ones, as well as their termination into the SNST. At the same time, existing labor contracts concluded before October 1, 2019, will need to be registered with the SNST by July 1, 2020, Norma writes.
Also, from October 1, it is planned to introduce an electronic labor record book automatically generated by the SNST in accordance with the data contained in the registered labor contracts. Initially, it should be recalled that the transition to electronic registration of seniority has been envisaged from January 1 of this year. Additionally, information about the accrued salary and personal income tax paid, contributions to individual accumulative pension accounts in the People’s bank will be reflected on the labor record book.
Individuals can be granted the right to independently enter into the SCST information on past periods of employment, with the mandatory verification (confirmation) of this information by the bodies of the off-budgetary Pension Fund.
Thus, the work experience of an employee, including when assigning a pension, will be calculated in accordance with the period of work:
• after October 1, 2019 – on the basis of data contained in the SNST (except in certain cases defined by legislation);
• until October 1, 2019 – in accordance with the current one.
The use of SNST will be free of charge for all legal entities and individuals. Responsibility for the registration of processes from the conclusion to the termination of employment contracts and formation of an electronic labor record book will be entrusted to employers.