Boriy Alikhanov: NPP of Uzbekistan will be able to withstand even a plane crash

POLITICS 20:25 / 08.07.2019 1453

Deputy speaker of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis Boriy Alikhanov assured residents of the Farish district (Jizzakh region) that the nuclear power plant, which is going to be built on their territory, does not cause any threats.

“The station that we are intending to build will withstand an earthquake of 9 points. Even if a plane falls down the station, it will be able to continue its work,” Alikhanov said this during public hearings on Sunday.

According to him, the NPP safety will be ensured by 21 passive and active systems. There are no threats to the environment either, the deputy assured.

“In Hungary, water is taken from the Danube River. It is rolled back without any cleaning, because there is no contact with radioactive materials. Although it is a transboundary water basin, it is twice as much in volume than the Amudarya. In this regard, environmental safety is very high. It is noteworthy that the IAEA has recognized the “3+” technology as the most reliable,” Alikhanov added. 

The first NPP in Uzbekistan will consist of two VVER-1200 power units of the “3+” generation with a capacity of 1,200 MW each. The first power unit is scheduled to be commissioned until 2028, the second – by 2030. 

Uzbekistan and Russia have already identified a potential site for the nuclear power plant construction. This will be the area near Tuzkan Lake in the Jizzakh region.

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