On July 4-8, 2019, a delegation of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including Senate member Rahmatulla Nazarov and Legislative Chamber deputy Dilorom Fayziyeva takes part in the 28th Annual Session of the OSCE, which takes place in Luxembourg. The general theme of this year’s conference is “Advancing Sustainable Development to Promote Security: The Role of Parliaments”.
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly is an inter-parliamentary organization uniting 57 states of Europe, Asia and North America.
According to the Embassy of Uzbekistan in the Benelux countries, over five days, representatives of the parliaments of 57 OSCE member states will consider a variety of issues covering international security, economics, environmental protection, gender equality, innovation and technology, human rights protection, democratization, and so on.
Following several days of intense debate and committee work, the Annual Session will culminate in the adoption on 8 July of the Luxembourg Declaration.