Uzbekistan’s military is strongest in Central Asia

POLITICS 15:25 / 02.07.2019 2320

According to the Global Firepower 2019, Uzbekistan is ranked 48 out of the 137 countries considered for the annual GFP review. It holds a PwrIndx rating of 0.7365.

The army of Uzbekistan is the strongest in Central Asia. It is ahead of such countries as Kazakhstan (54th place), Turkmenistan (75th place), Kyrgyzstan (91st place) and Tajikistan (94th place).

As per the report, Uzbekistan’s available manpower is 15,912,566 people and 13,366,555 of them are fit for service. Its total military personnel is estimated at around 50,000 people.

Each nation detailed in GlobalFirepower is assessed on individual and collective values. These values are processed through an in-house formula to generate the PwrIndx (PowerIndex) score which is used to establish the finalized GFP rankings for the current year.

It should be noted that earlier, the Central Bank of Uzbekistan for the first time disclosed state spending on the import of arms and ammunition. Last year, it amounted to $700,000, which is twice as much as in 2017.

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