On June 29, a roundtable with participation of the Minister of Investment and Foreign Trade Sardor Umrzakov, the chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Adkham Ikramov, representatives of the interested organizations, businessmen and media representatives on the theme “International trade and tax reform” was held.
During the event, entrepreneurs spoke about the problems that worry them and shared their thoughts on how to solve these issues.
The chairperson of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Adkham Ikramov was briefly interviewed.
- Could you please tell what conclusions you have drawn from conversations with businessmen?
- We see the influence of reforms of recent years – our businessmen express their opinion in relation to each process, make proposals and these proposals are being studied. I want to say that a tradition of mutual dialogue has arisen and this is very important.
- What does the similarity of the problems of most entrepreneurs show? The shortcomings that were made in the reform process?
- Every entrepreneur has his own problems that need to be solved. It is natural. And the fact that they are raised for public discussion does not mean that these problems are systemic. Today, there were not so many questions about VAT, as it was expected, since on this occasion certain notions were formed. We now turn to the shortcomings made in the reform process. There are no such reforms, from which everyone would be happy. Practically, this is impossible. The most important thing is to rectify mistakes on time. Previously, we did not pay attention to it, we did not want to admit our shortcomings. But now, at such events, we openly discuss everything. Most importantly, we make the necessary amendments.