On June 25, the grand opening of the UNDP project “Strengthening the resilience and adaptation of farmers of the Fergana valley to climate change risks”, which is being implemented jointly with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the financial support of the “Russian Federation – UNDP Trust Fund for Development”.
The project aims to institutionalize integrated services for agricultural producers that will facilitate their adaptation to the effects of climate change.
To promote the export potential of agricultural producers, particularly in the Fergana valley, by increasing their resilience to climate change and export skills, the project will carry out its activities in two ways: 1) increasing the capacity of regional administrations in analyzing the impact of climate change on agricultural production and integrating climate change issues in the local and sectorial development process; 2) work with local farmers in order to improve the system of efficiency of agricultural practices and the rational use of natural resources.
In the priority tasks of the project, the following aspects will be considered: improvement of measures for management and implementation of adaptation methods in agriculture; capacity building for the development and application of adaptation measures; ensuring access of farmers, dehkans and rural populations to advanced technologies and infrastructure to respond to the risks of climate change; promotion of environmentally friendly technologies and production methods.