The President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a decree “On measures to identify talented young people and create an uninterrupted system for training highly-skilled cadres”. UzA reports about it.
In line with the decree, a Department for working with talented pupils on Science Olympiads, consisting of 14 staff members, has been instituted at the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The main tasks of the Department are as follows:
- Identifying the talented pupils, providing them with scientific and methodological support, promoting best practices in the field, and developing recommendations and guidelines for educational institutions based on them;
- Organization of local and international Science Olympiads, including non-governmental ones among pupils of general secondary schools, academic lyceums and professional colleges, including their participation in international Olympiads;
- Developing new control materials for the Olympiads with involvement of highly qualified specialists;
- Preparation of participants of the international Olympiads with involvement of highly qualified specialists, including scientists, professor-teachers, foreign specialists, organization of special courses for them on forming communication skills in English and Russian languages;
- Monitoring and supporting the future activities of talented pupils who have recorded high results in the Olympiads.
It is stated:
a) Winners of international Olympiads and their teachers will be awarded one-time monetary awards in the following amounts of the minimum monthly wage:
1st place (gold medal) - 500, teacher - 450 times;
2nd place (silver medal) - 300, teacher - 250 times;
3rd place (bronze medal) - 200, teacher - 150 times;
b) Winners of the basic Republican Olympiads will be awarded with one-time bonus in the following amounts of the minimum monthly wage:
1st place - 50 times;
2nd place - 35 times;
3rd place - 30 times;
c) Teachers and directors of educational institutions who train winners of the International Olympiads, for the following academic year, will be paid an additional surcharge of 200, 175 and 150% respectively from the Director's Fund for gold, silver and bronze medals;
d) working as a teacher in educational institutions:
winners of international Olympiads will be paid 150% monthly premium per month;
winners of the Republican Olympiads will be paid 100% monthly premium per month;
e) Winners of the Olympiads that graduated from universities are included in the reserve of perspective specialists formed by the Foundation "El-yurt Umidi" under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan for training specialists abroad and communication with compatriots living abroad.
The Department, along with the State Testing Center under the Cabinet of Ministers, will form and reserve talented pupils by setting up an online Olympiad on a quarterly basis for pupils of the 4 - 11 grades of general secondary schools, academic lyceums and vocational colleges starting from the academic year 2019/2020. It also provides talented young people with comprehensive control materials, including test and written works every month through a website of the Ministry of Public Education.