In the first quarter of 2019, the Agency for Public Services and its territorial departments conducted 1,318 “mystery customer” campaigns, as a result of which employment contracts with 68 employees were terminated.
The Ministry of Justice reports that “it has declared war on corruption in its system, that is, serious practical actions have been initiated to eradicate this extremely negative phenomenon”.
Thus, in order to prevent corruption in 2018, a system of payment for services through electronic mobile applications (UPAY, Click, PAYME) and automatic pricing of services were introduced in the notary system.
At the same time, “mystery customer” raids are being conducted and serious measures are being taken on the corruption cases detected. General public is informed about this.
For example, in the first quarter of 2019, the Agency for Public Services and its territorial departments conducted 1,318 “mystery customer” campaigns and 7,732 preventive measures. As a result, 621 public service center employees were warned, 116 were reprimanded, 63 were disciplined, and employment contracts with 68 of them were terminated.
In order to increase the interest of notary employees in carrying out honest and respectable activities, up to 80% of the funds received for paid services are sent to encourage them by paying premiums.
An increase in the volume of electronic document circulation in the Agency for Public Services, an announcement of the Open Justice program, the launch of multi-channel “hotlines” are already showing results. It demonstrates the commitment of the Ministry of Justice towards a decisive fight against corruption.
In order to strengthen the efforts in this direction, the Ministry adopted a special departmental program to combat corruption. The program defines a number of practical measures to counter corruption in the judicial bodies.
An anti-corruption council is being created. This council, established under the Ministry of Justice, will oversee implementation of the anti-corruption program. That is, a group of ministry employees who carry out activities in different directions and acting on a voluntary basis, will coordinate this work of the ministry together with civil society. This, in turn, will provide objective monitoring.
To what extent officials and other employees of the bodies and institutions of justice perform official duties will be assessed. For this purpose, a special evaluation system is being introduced. In addition, conditions will be created for individuals and legal entities so that they can assess the activities of employees online and file their complaints and proposals on corruption issues.