Media spread incorrect information about raising the retirement age in Uzbekistan

POLITICS 21:10 / 23.03.2019 262

Social networks have reported that the government in Uzbekistan has approved raising the retirement age.

In particular, some media reported that now men will retire at 65 years, and women - 60. At the same time, correspondents of these publications refer to the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 18 of this year.

Indeed, on March 18, the Cabinet of Ministers adopted a resolution “On introducing changes and amendments to some government decisions aimed at providing social support to mothers with disabled children, as well as selling socially important goods (services) at a free price”.

According to the aforementioned decree, relevant amendments and additions have been made to the Regulation on the procedure for appointment and payment of benefits to elderly and disabled citizens who do not have work experience required for granting a pension, which was approved in April 2011.

Please note that this Regulation defines the procedure for assigning and paying monthly benefits to elderly and disabled citizens who do not have necessary work experience for the purpose of granting the state pension (benefit) in accordance with the law “On state pension provision for citizens”.

The allowance for age is assigned to persons who do not have work experience, as well as those who do not have sufficient work experience for granting an old-age pension, if there is less than 7 years of work experience provided for in paragraphs a, b, c and d Part 1, Article 37 of the law "On state pension provision  for citizens".

Since 2011, the above-mentioned age allowance has been assigned to:

- men - on reaching the age of 65;

- women - on reaching 60 years.

There were no increases at the retirement age in Uzbekistan.

The government only added to the Regulation on the procedure for appointment and payment of benefits to elderly and disabled citizens who do not have work experience required for the appointment of a pension with the words “mothers who have children with disabilities since childhood”.

Now, mothers who have children with disabilities from birth, upon reaching 55 years of age and without the required length of service, will receive social benefits. This allowance will be assigned on the basis of a medical report or a certificate from a medical-labor expert commission.

In accordance with the legislation, earlier payment of benefits to persons with disabilities of groups I and II, as well as to persons who received benefits on age or on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner, who performed paid work or had another source of income, was suspended. By the above-mentioned decree, this procedure is abolished, that is, regardless of whether the beneficiary has any other income, the payment of benefits will not be stopped.

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