Nurshod Khudoyberdiyev becomes an acting khokim of Mingbulok district

POLITICS 15:51 / 21.03.2019 577

In Namangan region, an extraordinary session of the Council of People's Deputies of Mingbulok district was held, UzA reports.

The session was attended by deputies of the regional governor, heads of departments and secretariat of regional administration, heads of regional law enforcement bodies, representatives of relevant regional, district organizations and mass media.

An organizational issue was considered in the session. The regional governor, senator Khayrullo Bozorov delivered a speech on this matter.

At the session, the regional governor's resolution of March 20, 2019 "On appointment of deputy head of the Naryn-Syrdarya Irrigation Basin Administration Nurshod Khudoyberdiyev as an acting governor of Mingbulok district" was addressed to the attention of deputies. In turn, deputies confirmed the decision of the regional governor.

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