About 30 leading scientist-archaeologists explore one of the capitals of ancient Khorezm

POLITICS 18:21 / 18.03.2019 578

A delegation of Uzbekistan led by the Deputy PM Tanzila Narbayeva, as well as heads of diplomatic missions of the republic to the United States, took part in the 115th annual meeting of the Explorer’s Club, the Women's Committee of Uzbekistan reported.

The club is one of the oldest scientific organizations of America, bringing together leading researchers, scientists and discoverers around the world.

The event was timed to the 50th anniversary of the landing of the first man on the moon. It was attended by about 2,000 guests worldwide, including the Governor-General of Canada, the State Secretary of Tourism of Portugal, six astronauts of the Apollo mission, cosmonauts of the International Space Station, as well as famous scientists, representatives of the world show-business and heads of top companies.

One of the central points of the program was a solemn ceremony of announcing the first expedition of the Explorer’s Club to Uzbekistan in the summer of 2019 as part of 30 leading scientist-archeologists around the world.

Scientists will begin the study of the historical fortress “Bazar-kala” – one of the capitals of ancient Khorezm, discovered in the territory of modern Karakalpakstan. According to preliminary estimates, this complex dates back to the 6-4th centuries BC.

In the course of research, foreign scientists will study the civilization of that time, cultural characteristics of the local population, political ties with the Akhemenid Empire, as well as the process of transition from nomadic to sedentary lifestyle. Following the results, a documentary film will be prepared on the expedition, the premiere of which will be held on October 11 at the Uzbek embassy in Washington during the autumn session of the members of the Explorer’s Club.

According to the American side, the expedition budget is about $750,000 and is fully covered by the directing side. The general sponsor of the event is the Japanese automaker Infiniti. The work of the expedition provides for the use of high-precision technology NASA.

During negotiations with the leadership of the Explorer’s Club, issues of organizing the visit of leading scientists and researchers of women from the USA to Uzbekistan and the launch of the television project “Invitation to go to the magical country of Uzbekistan with the Explorer’s Club” followed by the broadcast of a documentary film with coverage of about 114 million viewers on the PBS television in the USA were discussed.

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