Healthcare ministers of Uzbekistan and Russia discuss issues of developing cooperation

POLITICS 19:54 / 06.03.2019 1068

Alisher Shodmonov, the Minister of Health of Uzbekistan, held a meeting with his Russian counterpart Veronika Skvortsova. The Ministers discussed the issues of further developing cooperation in the field of medicine and education, and also considered new projects in this direction.

Photo: Minister of Health

Veronika Skvortsova expressed her willingness to mutually exchange experience and support the implementation of reforms in the area, as well as co-operate in the implementation of joint projects on health and medical education.

It is planned that members of the delegation will visit the republican specialized scientific-practical medical centers, private clinics, primary healthcare facilities and medical universities.

It should be noted that over 600 Uzbek specialists have been trained in Russia over the past years, and 300 Russian specialists have visited Uzbekistan to conduct master classes, exhibitions and lectures, as well as complex operations.

Veronika Skvortsova
Photo: Minister of Health

Starting from the academic year 2019/2020, Uzbekistan is planning to open a branch of the Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov.  In this regard, agreements were signed on the establishment of joint faculties, preparation of educational programs in bachelor, master and clinical residency.

In addition, from the academic year 2019/2020, the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University and the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute will establish a joint faculty in directions “Pediatrics” and “Therapy”.

From September of this year, together with the Russian People's Friendship University and the Tashkent State Dental Institute, it is planned to open a joint faculty on “Dermatovenereology”. In addition, the Orenburg State Medical University and the Tashkent State Dental Institute will organize in cooperation joint faculties in directions “Therapy” and “Clinical psychology”. Together with the St. Petersburg Pediatric Medical University and the Nukus branch of the Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, it is envisaged to organize six international faculties: “Obstetrics and gynecology”, “Pediatric surgery”, “Traumatology”, “Pediatrics”, “Stomatology” and “Oncology”.

Photo: Minister of Health

Earlier, it was reported that the Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova provided first medical aid to a passenger on board of the flight Moscow-Tashkent.

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