Market volume of services in Uzbekistan increases by 115.7% in a year period

POLITICS 12:39 / 19.02.2019 850

As of February 1, 2019, 221.5 thousand enterprises and organizations were registered in the services sector of Uzbekistan. It amounted to 65.9% of their total number (335.8 thousand units).

For comparison, in the corresponding period last year, 193.1 thousand enterprises and organizations were involved in the service sector. In their overall structure, services in trade accounted to 32.9%, in accommodation and meals - 9.0%, transportation and storage - 6.3%, information and communications - 3.4%, health care and the provision of social services - 3.1%, for other types - 45.3%.

The share of enterprises and organizations operating in trading activities (34.9%) prevails in the structure of existing enterprises and organizations related to the services sector.

The proportion of existing enterprises and organizations operating in transportation and storage sector reached to 6.1%, while those engaged in information activities and providing communication services was recorded at 3.2%.

In January 2019, according to preliminary data, the market volume of services was equal to 13,043.4 billion soums. Compared to the same period last year, the growth rate was 115.7%.

Also, there is an increase in the financial services volume (by 871.5 billion soums), transport services (by 807.2 billion soums) and trade services (by 450.0 billion soums). In general, the volume of market services increased by 2,604.0 billion soums in a year period.

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